Meet Kumar
Dr Meet Kumar is practicing Haematology & BMT for 14 years. He has studied from reputed colleges across India. He has successfully done over 600 bone marrow transplants. He has completed his MBBS and MD from Jamnagar, Gujrat and his DM (Haematology) from NRS Medical College, Kolkata. He has done his fellowship in Bone Marrow Transplant from Tata Medical Centre and specialist training in BMT and CART Cell Therapy, Kings College, London. He has also worked in prestigious Institutes like Sir Ganga Ram, Delhi; SGPGI, Lucknow; BLK, Delhi; Kings College, London. He has received many awards including ‘Hisar Gaurav’ and ‘Global Award’ for emerging Hematologist.
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Dr Meet Kumar is practicing Haematology & BMT for 14 years. He has studied from reputed colleges across India. He has successfully done over 600....