Can I cancel my trip on Expedia and get a refund?
September 16, 2024 ⚊ 1 Min read ⚊ Views 25 ⚊ BLOGCancelling a trip booked through Expedia can lead to a refund, but the process and amount refunded depend on the terms of the individual bookings, including airlines, hotels, and car rentals. Expedia typically allows cancellations according to the policies set by the service providers. For flights, if your ticket is refundable or you cancel within the airline’s specified timeframe, you may receive a refund, minus any cancellation fees. For hotels, cancellations are often subject to the property’s policies, which can range from free cancellations to non-refundable options. It’s essential to check the specific cancellation terms of each component of your trip on your Expedia itinerary. For assistance, you can reach out to Expedia’s customer service, who can guide you through the process and provide information on any applicable refunds or fees.