Do you get a refund if you cancel on Expedia?
October 1, 2024 ⚊ 1 Min read ⚊ Views 16 ⚊ BLOGExpedia\’s refund policy varies depending on the type of booking and the individual suppliers\’ terms. For hotels, if you book a refundable rate, you can typically cancel without penalty up to a certain time before your check-in date; however, non-refundable rates usually do not offer refunds once booked. For flights, airlines often have their own cancellation policies, and refunds may depend on the fare type you purchased. If you cancel a flight within 24 hours of booking and it was made at least seven days before departure, you may be eligible for a full refund. To ensure you understand the specific cancellation and refund terms for your booking, it’s essential to review the details at the time of purchase and check Expedia’s policies directly on their website.