Expedia Refund policy? fcancellation expedia 2024 247
June 14, 2024 ⚊ 1 Min read ⚊ Views 31 ⚊ TRAVELYes it does If you cancel your booking within 24 hours of making it, EXPEDIA will usually give you a full refund. To get a refund you can call EXPEDIA customer helpline number +1-844-984-2341 EXPEDIA Agent live 24×7 they will assist you better.
Yes, EXPEDIA does provide refunds in certain situations. However, the eligibility for a refund and the amount refunded can depend on several factors, including the type of booking. EXPEDIA directly for personalized assistance +1-844-984-2341 with your refund request.
Read details: https://data.honolulu.gov/nominate/309038
Tags: Airlines