How do I change my flight on Expedia
April 15, 2024 ⚊ 1 Min read ⚊ Views 35 ⚊ TRAVELwithin hours of purchase without any fees, provided the travel date is at least one week away. This policy applies to all types of fares, including non-refundable tickets.
Can I receive a full refund if I cancel my booking?
Yes, if you cancel your ticket within 24 hours of purchasing it and your travel date is at least 7 days later, you are entitled to a full refund. This also applies if Expedia cancels your flight, changes your schedule significantly, delays your flight by more than hours, reschedules to a different destination, or if you\\\’re denied boarding due to overbooking.
How can I cancel my Expedia flight?
Flight cancellations can be made online by going to Expedia\\\’s official website, clicking on Manage My Booking, entering your booking reference and last name, then following the prompts to cancel your flight. Alternatively,